
< 모듈:Citation/CS1
imported>Namoroka님의 2015년 12월 17일 (목) 15:55 판

틀:보호 다음은 모듈:Citation/CS1에서 쓰이는 여러 구성을 모아놓은 것입니다. 크게 세 가지 부분으로 나뉘어있습니다.

  1. 번역 가능한 문자열을 모아놓은 부분
  2. 오류가 발생했을 경우 보여줄 설명을 모아놓은 부분
  3. 각종 ID 등을 모아놓은 부분


local citation_config = {};

-- override <code>...</code> styling to remove color, border, and padding.  <code> css is specified here:
-- https://git.wikimedia.org/blob/mediawiki%2Fcore.git/69cd73811f7aadd093050dbf20ed70ef0b42a713/skins%2Fcommon%2FcommonElements.css#L199
local code_style="color:inherit; border:inherit; padding:inherit;";

--[[--------------------------< U N C A T E G O R I Z E D _ N A M E S P A C E S >------------------------------

List of namespaces that should not be included in citation error categories.  Same as setting notracking = true by default

Note: Namespace names should use underscores instead of spaces.

local uncategorized_namespaces = { '토론', '사용자', '사용자토론', '위키백과토론', '파일토론', '틀토론',
	'도움말토론', '분류토론', '포털토론', '초안', '초안토론', '모듈토론', '미디어위키토론' };

local uncategorized_subpages = {'/[Ss]andbox', '/[Tt]estcases', '/연습장', '/시험장'};		-- list of Lua patterns found in page names of pages we should not categorize

--[[--------------------------< M E S S A G E S >--------------------------------------------------------------

Translation table

The following contains fixed text that may be output as part of a citation.
This is separated from the main body to aid in future translations of this


local messages = {
	['archived-dead'] = '$2에 $1에서 보존된 문서',
	['archived-not-dead'] = '$2에 $1',
	['archived-missing'] = '$2에 원본$1에서 보존된 문서',
	['archived'] = '보존된 문서',
	['by'] = 'By',																-- contributions to authored works: introduction, foreword, afterword
	['cartography'] = '$1 제작',
	['editor'] = '편집.',
	['editors'] = '편집.', 
	['edition'] = '($1판)', 
	['episode'] = '제 $1회',
	['et al'] = '외.', 
	['in'] = '',																-- edited works
	['inactive'] = '년 이후로 접속 불가',
	['inset'] = '$1 inset',
	['lay summary'] = '요약문',
	['newsgroup'] = '[[뉴스그룹]]:&nbsp;$1',
	['original'] = '원본 문서',
	['published'] = '$1에 출판됨',
	['retrieved'] = '$1에 확인함',
	['season'] = '시즌 $1', 
	['section'] = '§ $1',
	['sections'] = '§§ $1',
	['series'] = '시리즈 $1',
	['type'] = ' ($1)',															-- for titletype
	['written'] = '$1에서 작성',

	['vol'] = '$1 $2권',												-- $1 is sepc; bold journal style volume is in presentation{}
	['vol-no'] = '$1 $2권 $3호',									-- sepc, volume, issue
	['issue'] = '$1 $2호',												-- $1 is sepc

	['j-vol'] = '$1 $2',														-- sepc, volume; bold journal volume is in presentation{}
	['j-issue'] = ' ($1)',

	['nopp'] = '$1 $2';															-- page(s) without prefix; $1 is sepc

	['p-prefix'] = "$1 $2쪽",												-- $1 is sepc
	['pp-prefix'] = "$1 $2쪽",											-- $1 is sepc
	['j-page(s)'] = ': $1',														-- same for page and pages
	['n-page(s)'] = '$1 $2면',														-- same for page and pages

	['sheet'] = '$1 Sheet&nbsp;$2',												-- $1 is sepc
	['sheets'] = '$1 Sheets&nbsp;$2',											-- $1 is sepc
	['j-sheet'] = ': Sheet&nbsp;$1',
	['j-sheets'] = ': Sheets&nbsp;$1',
	['subscription'] = '<span title="이 자료는 온라인 상에서 유료 구독을 해야만 확인할 수 있습니다." style="border-bottom:1px dotted; cursor:help; font-size:0.95em; font-size:90%; color:#555">(구독 필요)</span>' ..
		'[[분류:구독이 필요한 링크를 포함한 문서]]', 
	['registration']='<span title="이 자료는 해당 사이트에 가입을 해야만 확인할 수 있습니다." style="border-bottom:1px dotted; cursor:help; font-size:0.95em; font-size:90%; color:#555">(가입 필요)</span>' ..
		'[[분류:가입이 필요한 링크를 포함한 문서]]',
	['language'] = '($1)', 
	['via'] = " &ndash; $1 제공",
	['event'] = '에 발생',
	['minutes'] = '분', 
	['parameter-separator'] = ', ',
	['parameter-final-separator'] = ', 및 ',
	['parameter-pair-separator'] = ' 및 ',
	-- Determines the location of the help page
	['help page link'] = '위키백과:인용 오류 도움말',
	['help page label'] = '도움말',
	-- Internal errors (should only occur if configuration is bad)
	['undefined_error'] = 'Called with an undefined error condition',
	['unknown_manual_ID'] = 'Unrecognized manual ID mode',
	['unknown_ID_mode'] = 'Unrecognized ID mode',
	['unknown_argument_map'] = 'Argument map not defined for this variable',
	['bare_url_no_origin'] = 'Bare url found but origin indicator is nil or empty',

--[[--------------------------< P R E S E N T A T I O N >------------------------------------------------------

Fixed presentation markup.  Originally part of citation_config.messages it has been moved into its own, more semantically
correct place.

local presentation = 
	-- Error output
	-- .error class is specified at https://git.wikimedia.org/blob/mediawiki%2Fcore.git/9553bd02a5595da05c184f7521721fb1b79b3935/skins%2Fcommon%2Fshared.css#L538
	-- .citation-comment class is specified at Help:CS1_errors#Controlling_error_message_display
	['hidden-error'] = '<span style="display:none;font-size:100%" class="error citation-comment">$1</span>',
	['visible-error'] = '<span style="display:none;font-size:100%" class="error citation-comment">$1</span>',

	['accessdate'] = '<span class="reference-accessdate">$1$2</span>',			-- to allow editors to hide accessdate using personal css

	['bdi'] = '<bdi$1>$2</bdi>',												-- bidirectional isolation used with |script-title= and the like

	['format'] = ' <span style="font-size:85%;">($1)</span>',					-- for |format=, |chapter-format=, etc

	['italic-title'] = "&#12298;$1&#12299;",									-- 《 》
	['single-bracket'] = '&#12296;$1&#12297;',									-- 〈 〉 
	['italic-title2'] = "''$1''",												-- '' ''

	['kern-left'] = '<span style="padding-left:0.2em;">$1</span>$2',			-- spacing to use when title contains leading single or double quote mark
	['kern-right'] = '$1<span style="padding-right:0.2em;">$2</span>',			-- spacing to use when title contains trailing single or double quote mark

	['nowrap1'] = '<span class="nowrap">$1</span>',								-- for nowrapping an item: <span ...>yyyy-mm-dd</span>
	['nowrap2'] = '<span class="nowrap">$1</span> $2',							-- for nowrapping portions of an item: <span ...>dd mmmm</span> yyyy (note white space)
	['parameter'] = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code>',

	['quoted-text'] = '<q>$1</q>',												-- for wrapping |quote= content
	['quoted-title'] = '&ldquo;$1&rdquo;',										-- “  ”

	['trans-italic-title'] = "&#91;''$1''&#93;",								-- ['' '']
	['trans-quoted-title'] = "&#91;$1&#93;",									-- [ ]
	['vol-bold'] = ' <b>$1</b>',													-- for journal cites; for other cites ['vol'] in messages{}

--[[--------------------------< A L I A S E S >----------------------------------------------------------------

Aliases table for commonly passed parameters


local aliases = {
	['AccessDate'] = {'access-date', 'accessdate', '확인날짜', '확인일자'},
	['Agency'] = {'agency', '통신사'},
	['AirDate'] = {'air-date', 'airdate', '방송날짜', '방송일자', '방영날짜', '방영일자'},
	['ArchiveDate'] = {'archive-date', 'archivedate', '보존날짜', '보존일자'},
	['ArchiveFormat'] = 'archive-format',
	['ArchiveURL'] = {'archive-url', 'archiveurl', '보존url'},
	['ASINTLD'] = {'ASIN-TLD', 'asin-tld'},
	['At'] = {'at', '쪽기타'},
	['Authors'] = {'authors', 'people', 'host', 'credits', '인물', '제작진'},
	['BookTitle'] = {'book-title', 'booktitle'},
	['Callsign'] = {'call-sign', 'callsign', '콜사인', '호출부호'},				-- cite interview
	['Cartography'] = {'cartography', '지도제작'},
	['Chapter'] = {'chapter', 'contribution', 'entry', 'article', 'section', '장', '항목'},
	['ChapterFormat'] = {'chapter-format', 'contribution-format', 'section-format'};
	['ChapterURL'] = {'chapter-url', 'chapterurl', 'contribution-url', 'contributionurl', 'section-url', 'sectionurl', '장url'},
	['City'] = {'city', '도시'},												-- cite interview
	['Class'] = {'class', '분류'},												-- cite arxiv and arxiv identifiers
	['Coauthors'] = {'coauthors', 'coauthor', '공저자'},						-- coauthor and coauthors are deprecated; remove after 1 January 2015?
	['Conference'] = {'conference', 'event', '콘퍼런스', '컨퍼런스', '행사'},
	['ConferenceFormat'] = {'conference-format', 'event-format'},
	['ConferenceURL'] = {'conference-url', 'conferenceurl', 'event-url', 'eventurl', '콘퍼런스url', '컨퍼런스url'},
	['Contribution'] = 'contribution', -- introduction, foreword, afterword, etc; required when |contributor= set
	['Date'] = {'date', 'air-date', 'airdate', '날짜', '일자'},
	['DeadURL'] = {'dead-url', 'deadurl', '깨진링크', '죽은링크', '깨진url', '죽은url'},
	['Degree'] = {'degree', '학위'},
	['DisplayAuthors'] = {'display-authors', 'displayauthors', '저자표시'},
	['DisplayEditors'] = {'display-editors', 'displayeditors', '편집자표시'},
	['Docket'] = 'docket',
	['DoiBroken'] = {'doi-broken', 'doi-broken-date', 'doi-inactive-date', 'doi_brokendate', 'doi_inactivedate', 'doi_깨진날짜'},
	['Edition'] = {'edition', '판'},
	['Editors'] = 'editors',
	['Embargo'] = {'embargo', '엠바고'},
	['Encyclopedia'] = {'encyclopedia', 'encyclopaedia', '백과사전'},			-- this one only used by citation
	['Episode'] = {'episode', '에피소드'},										-- cite serial only TODO: make available to cite episode? 수정 필요?
	['Format'] = {'format', '형식', '포맷'},
	['ID'] = {'id', 'ID'},
	['IgnoreISBN'] = {'ignore-isbn-error', 'ignoreisbnerror', 'isbn오류무시'},
	['Inset'] = {'inset', '삽화'},
	['Issue'] = {'issue', 'number', '호', '회', '화'},
	['Language'] = {'language', 'in', '언어'},									-- 언어고리, 언어링크 제거 필요
	['LastAuthorAmp'] = {'last-author-amp', 'lastauthoramp', '저자앰퍼샌드'},
	['LayDate'] = {'lay-date', 'laydate', '요약문날짜'},
	['LayFormat'] = 'lay-format',
	['LaySource'] = {'lay-source', 'laysource', '요약문출처'},
	['LayURL'] = {'lay-url', 'lay-summary', 'layurl', 'laysummary', '요약문', '요약문url'},
	['MailingList'] = {'mailinglist', 'mailing-list', '메일링리스트'},			-- cite mailing list only
	['Map'] = {'map', '지도'},													-- cite map only
	['MapFormat'] = 'map-format',												-- cite map only
	['MapURL'] = {'mapurl', 'map-url', '지도url'},								-- cite map only
	['MessageID'] = {'message-id', '메시지id'},
	['Minutes'] = {'minutes', '분'},
	['Mode'] = {'mode', '모드'},
	['NameListFormat'] = {'name-list-format', '이름목록형식'},
	['Network'] = {'network', '네트워크'},
	['NoPP'] = {'no-pp', 'nopp', '쪽숨김'},
	['NoTracking'] = {'template-doc-demo', 'template doc demo', 'no-cat', 'nocat', 
		'no-tracking', 'notracking', '분류없음'},
	['Number'] = 'number', -- this case only for cite techreport
	['OrigYear'] = {'orig-year', 'origyear', '원본연도', '초판연도'},
	['Others'] = {'others', 'interviewer', 'interviewers', '기타', '인터뷰어'},
	['Page'] = {'p', 'page', '쪽', '페이지'},
	['Pages'] = {'pp', 'pages'},
	['Periodical'] = {'journal', 'newspaper', 'magazine', 'work',
		'website',  'periodical', 'encyclopedia', 'encyclopaedia', 'dictionary',
		'저널', '뉴스', '신문', '잡지', '작품', '웹사이트', '백과사전', '메일링리스트'}, -- 신문 새로 추가함, 백과사전이름, 작품명 제거?
	['Place'] = {'place', 'location', '위치', '장소'},
	['Program'] = {'program', '프로그램'},										-- cite interview
	['PostScript'] = {'postscript', '추신'},
	['PublicationDate'] = {'publicationdate', 'publication-date', '출판날짜', '출판일자'},
	['PublicationPlace'] = {'publication-place', 'publicationplace', '출판위치', '출판장소'},
	['PublisherName'] = {'publisher', 'distributor', 'institution', 'newsgroup', '출판사', '뉴스그룹'},
	['Quote'] = {'quote', 'quotation', '인용', '인용문'},
	['Ref'] = 'ref',
	['RegistrationRequired'] = {'registration', '등록'},
	['Scale'] = {'scale', '축척'},
--	['ScriptChapter'] = 'script-chapter',
--	['ScriptTitle'] = 'script-title',
	['Section'] = 'section',													-- 번역 수정 필요(지도 틀 말고 그 외에서도 쓰이는 듯)
	['Season'] = {'season', '시즌'},
	['Sections'] = 'sections',													-- cite map only -- 번역 수정 필요
	['Series'] = {'series', 'version', '시리즈', '총서'},
	['SeriesSeparator'] = 'series-separator',
	['SeriesLink'] = {'series-link', 'serieslink', '시리즈링크', '시리즈고리'},
	['SeriesNumber'] = {'series-number', 'series-no', 'seriesnumber', 'seriesno', '시리즈번호'},
	['Sheet'] = 'sheet',														-- cite map only
	['Sheets'] = 'sheets',														-- cite map only
	['Station'] = {'station', '방송국'},
	['SubscriptionRequired'] = {'subscription', '구독'},
	['Time'] = 'time',
	['Time2'] = '시간',															-- 임의로 추가함, '분'을 없앰
	['TimeCaption'] = {'time-caption', 'timecaption'},
	['Title'] = {'title', '제목'},
	['TitleLink'] = {'title-link', 'episode-link', 'titlelink', 'episodelink', '제목링크', '제목고리'},
	['NoBracket'] = {'이탤릭체'},												-- 임의로 추가함
	['TitleNote'] = 'department',												-- 번역 필요
	['TitleType'] = {'type', 'medium', '종류', '매체'},
	['TransChapter'] = {'trans-chapter', 'trans_chapter', '번역장'},
	['TransMap'] = 'trans-map',													-- cite map only
	['Transcript'] = {'transcript', '대본'},
	['TranscriptFormat'] = 'transcript-format',
	['TranscriptURL'] = {'transcript-url', 'transcripturl', '대본url'},
	['TransTitle'] = {'trans-title', 'trans_title', '번역제목'},
	['URL'] = {'url', 'URL'},
	['Vauthors'] = 'vauthors',
	['Veditors'] = 'veditors',
	['Via'] = {'via', '제공'},
	['Volume'] = {'volume', '권'},
	['Year'] = {'year', '연도', '연', '년', '년도'},

	['AuthorList-First'] = {"first#", "given#", "author-first#", "author#-first", 
	['AuthorList-Last'] = {"last#", "author#", "surname#", "author-last#", "author#-last", "subject#", 
		"성#", "저자#", "대상#"},
	['AuthorList-Link'] = {"authorlink#", "author-link#", "author#-link", "subjectlink#", "author#link", "subject-link#", "subject#-link", "subject#link", 
		"저자고리#", "저자#고리", "저자링크#", "저자#링크", "대상고리#", "대상링크#", "대상#고리", "대상#링크", 
		"저자-고리#", "저자#-고리", "저자-링크#", "저자#-링크", "대상-고리#", "대상-링크#", "대상#-고리", "대상#-링크"},
	['AuthorList-Mask'] = {"author-mask#", "authormask#", "author#mask", "author#-mask", "저자#-숨김", "저자-숨김#", "저자#숨김", "저자숨김#"},
	['ContributorList-First'] = {'contributor-first#','contributor#-first'},
	['ContributorList-Last'] = {'contributor#', 'contributor-last#', 'contributor#-last'},
	['ContributorList-Link'] = {'contributor-link#', 'contributor#-link'},
	['ContributorList-Mask'] = {'contributor-mask#', 'contributor#-mask'},
	['EditorList-First'] = {"editor-first#", "editor#-first", "editor-given#", "editor#-given", 
		"편집자-이름#", "편집자#-이름", "편집자이름#", "편집자#이름"},
	['EditorList-Last'] = {"editor#", "editor-last#", "editor#-last", "editor-surname#", "editor#-surname", 
		"편집자#", "편집자-성#", "편집자#-성", "편집자성#", "편집자#성"},
	['EditorList-Link'] = {"editor-link#", "editor#-link", "editorlink#", "editor#link", 
		"편집자-고리#", "편집자#-고리", "편집자고리#", "편집자#고리", "편집자#-링크", "편집자-링크#", "편집자링크#", "편집자#링크"},
	['EditorList-Mask'] = {"editor-mask#", "editor#-mask", "editormask#", "editor#mask", "편집자#-숨김", "편집자-숨김#", "편집자#숨김", "편집자숨김#"},
	['TranslatorList-First'] = {'translator-first#','translator#-first', 
		'번역자-이름#', '번역자#-이름', '번역자이름#', '번역자#이름'},
	['TranslatorList-Last'] = {'translator#', 'translator-last#', 'translator#-last', 
		'번역자#', '번역자-성#', '번역자#-성', '번역자성#', '번역자#성'},
	['TranslatorList-Link'] = {'translator-link#', 'translator#-link', 
		'번역자-고리#', '번역자#-고리', '번역자고리#', '번역자#고리', '번역자#-링크', '번역자-링크#', '번역자링크#', '번역자#링크'},
	['TranslatorList-Mask'] = {'translator-mask#', 'translator#-mask', "번역자#-숨김", "번역자-숨김#", "번역자#숨김", "번역자숨김#"},

--[[--------------------------< D E F A U L T S >--------------------------------------------------------------

Default parameter values

TODO: keep this?  Only one default?

local defaults = {
	['DeadURL'] = 'yes',

--[[--------------------------< V O L U M E ,  I S S U E ,  P A G E S >----------------------------------------

These tables hold cite class values (from the template invocation) and identify those templates that support
|volume=, |issue=, and |page(s)= parameters.  Cite conference and cite map require further qualification which
is handled in the main module.


local templates_using_volume = {'citation', 'audio-visual', 'book', 'conference', 'encyclopaedia', 'interview', 'journal', 'magazine', 'map', 'news', 'report', 'techreport'}
local templates_using_issue = {'citation', 'conference', 'episode', 'interview', 'journal', 'magazine', 'map', 'news'}
local templates_not_using_page = {'audio-visual', 'episode', 'mailinglist', 'newsgroup', 'podcast', 'serial', 'sign', 'speech'}

--[[--------------------------< K E Y W O R D S >--------------------------------------------------------------

This table holds keywords for those parameters that have defined sets of acceptible keywords.


local keywords = {
	['yes_true_y'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y', '예', '참'},							-- ignore-isbn-error, last-author-amp, no-tracking, nopp, registration, subscription
	['deadurl'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'no', 'unfit', 'usurped', '예', '참', '아니오', '거짓', '부적절'},
	['mode'] = {'cs1', 'cs2'},
	['name-list-format'] = {'vanc'},
	['contribution'] = {'afterword', 'foreword', 'introduction', 'preface'},	-- generic contribution titles that are rendered unquoted in the 'chapter' position

--[[--------------------------< I N V I S I B L E _ C H A R A C T E R S >--------------------------------------

This table holds non-printing or invisible characters indexed either by name or by Unicode group. Values are decimal
representations of UTF-8 codes.  The table is organized as a table of tables because the lua pairs keyword returns
table data in an arbitrary order.  Here, we want to process the table from top to bottom because the entries at
the top of the table are also found in the ranges specified by the entries at the bottom of the table.


local invisible_chars = {
	{'replacement', '\239\191\189'},											-- U+FFFD, EF BF BD
	{'zero width space', '\226\128\139'},										-- U+200B, E2 80 8B
	{'soft hyphen', '\194\173'},												-- U+00AD, C2 AD
	{'horizontal tab', '\009'},													-- U+0009 (HT), 09
	{'line feed', '\010'},														-- U+0010 (LF), 0A
	{'carriage return', '\013'},												-- U+0013 (CR), 0D
	{'C0 control', '[\000-\008\011\012\014-\031\127]'},							-- U+0000–U+001F (NULL–US), 00–1F, and U+001F (DEL), 7F (except HT, LF, CR (09, 0A, 0D))
	{'C1 control', '[\194\128-\194\159]'},										-- U+0080–U+009F (XXX–APC), C2 80 – C2 9F
	{'Specials', '[\239\191\185-\239\191\191]'},								-- U+FFF9-U+FFFF, EF BF B9 – EF BF BF
	{'Private use area', '[\238\128\128-\239\163\191]'},						-- U+E000–U+F8FF, EE 80 80 – EF A3 BF
	{'Supplementary Private Use Area-A', '[\243\176\128\128-\243\191\191\189]'},	-- U+F0000–U+FFFFD, F3 B0 80 80 – F3 BF BF BD
	{'Supplementary Private Use Area-B', '[\244\128\128\128-\244\143\191\189]'},	-- U+100000–U+10FFFD, F4 80 80 80 – F4 8F BF BD

--[[--------------------------< M A I N T E N A N C E _ C A T E G O R I E S >----------------------------------

Here we name maintenance categories to be used in maintenance messages.


local maint_cats = {
	['ASIN'] = 'CS1 관리 - ISBN을 사용한 ASIN',
	['date_year'] = 'CS1 관리 - 날짜와 연도',
	['disp_auth_ed'] = 'CS1 관리 - $1표시',									-- $1 is authors or editors
	['embargo'] = 'CS1 관리 - PMC 엠바고 만료',
	['english'] = 'CS1 관리 - 한국어 인용 (ko)',
	['etal'] = 'CS1 maint: Explicit use of et al.',
	['extra_text'] = 'CS1 관리 - 추가 문구',
	['unknown_lang'] = 'CS1 관리 - 인식할 수 없는 언어',
	['untitled'] = 'CS1 관리 - 이름 없는 작품',

--[[--------------------------< P R O P E R T I E S _ C A T E G O R I E S >------------------------------------

Here we name properties categories


local prop_cats = {
	['foreign_lang_source'] = 'CS1 - $1 인용 ($2)',								-- |language= categories; $1 is language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code
--	['script'] = 'CS1 uses foreign language script',							-- when language specified by |script-title=xx: doesn't have its own category
--	['script_with_name'] = 'CS1 uses $1-language script ($2)',					-- |script-title=xx: has matching category; $1 is language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code

--[[--------------------------< T I T L E _ T Y P E S >--------------------------------------------------------

Here we map a template's CitationClass to TitleType (default values for |type= parameter)


local title_types = {
	['AV-media-notes'] = '미디어 설명',
	['DVD-notes'] = '미디어 설명',
	['mailinglist'] = '메일링 리스트',
	['map'] = '지도',
	['podcast'] = '팟캐스트',
	['pressrelease'] = '보도 자료',
	['report'] = '보고서',
	['techreport'] = '기술 보고서',
	['thesis'] = '학위논문',

--[[--------------------------< E R R O R _ C O N D I T I O N S >----------------------------------------------

Error condition table

The following contains a list of IDs for various error conditions defined in the code.  For each ID, we specify a
text message to display, an error category to include, and whether the error message should be wrapped as a hidden comment.

Anchor changes require identical changes to matching anchor in Help:CS1 errors


local error_conditions = {
	accessdate_missing_url = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;확인날짜=</code>는 <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;url=</code>을 필요로 함',
		anchor = 'accessdate_missing_url',
		category = '인용 오류 - URL 없이 확인날짜를 사용함',
		hidden = true },
	archive_missing_date = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;보존url=</code>은 <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;보존날짜=</code>를 필요로 함',
		anchor = 'archive_missing_date',
		category = '인용 오류 - 보존url',
		hidden = false },
	archive_missing_url = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;보존url=</code>은 <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;url=</code>을 필요로 함',
		anchor = 'archive_missing_url',
		category = '인용 오류 - 보존url',
		hidden = false },
	arxiv_missing = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;arxiv=</code>가 필요함',
		anchor = 'arxiv_missing',
		category = '인용 오류 - arXiv',											-- same as bad arxiv
		hidden = false },
	arxiv_params_not_supported = {
		message = 'arXiv 인용에서 지원되지 않는 변수를 사용함',
		anchor = 'arxiv_params_not_supported',
		category = '인용 오류 - arXiv',											-- same as bad arxiv
		hidden = false },
	bad_arxiv = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;arxiv=</code> 값 확인 필요',
		anchor = 'bad_arxiv',
		category = '인용 오류 - arXiv',
		hidden = false },
	bad_asin = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;asin=</code> 값 확인 필요',
		anchor = 'bad_asin',
		category ='인용 오류 - ASIN',
		hidden = false },
	bad_date = {
		message = '다음 날짜 값 확인 필요: <code style="'..code_style..'">$1</code>',
		anchor = 'bad_date',
		category = '인용 오류 - 날짜',
		hidden = true },
	bad_doi = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;doi=</code> 값 확인 필요',
		anchor = 'bad_doi',
		category = '인용 오류 - DOI',
		hidden = false },
	bad_isbn = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;isbn=</code> 값 확인 필요',
		anchor = 'bad_isbn',
		category = '인용 오류 - ISBN',
		hidden = false },
	bad_ismn = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;ismn=</code> 값 확인 필요',
		anchor = 'bad_ismn',
		category = '인용 오류 - ISMN',											--현재 없는 분류임
		hidden = false },
	bad_issn = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;issn=</code> 값 확인 필요',
		anchor = 'bad_issn',
		category = '인용 오류 - ISSN',
		hidden = false },
	bad_lccn = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;lccn=</code> 값 확인 필요',
		anchor = 'bad_lccn',
		category = '인용 오류 - LCCN',
		hidden = false },
	bad_message_id = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;메시지id=</code> 값 확인 필요',
		anchor = 'bad_message_id',
		category = '인용 오류 - 메시지id',
		hidden = false },
	bad_ol = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;ol=</code> 값 확인 필요',
		anchor = 'bad_ol',
		category = '인용 오류 - OL',
		hidden = false },
	bad_paramlink = {															-- for |title-link=, |author/editor/translator-link=, |series-link=, |episode-link=
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code> 값 확인 필요',
		anchor = 'bad_paramlink',
		category = '인용 오류 - 변수 링크', -- 생성 필요
		hidden = false },
	bad_pmc = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;pmc=</code> 값 확인 필요',
		anchor = 'bad_pmc',
		category = '인용 오류 - PMC',
		hidden = false },
	bad_pmid = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;pmid=</code> 값 확인 필요',
		anchor = 'bad_pmid',
		category = '인용 오류 - PMID',
		hidden = false },
	bad_url = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">$1</code> 값 확인 필요',
		anchor = 'bad_url',
		category = '인용 오류 - URL',
		hidden = false },
	bare_url_missing_title = {
		message = '$1은 제목을 필요로 함',
		anchor = 'bare_url_missing_title',
		category = '인용 오류 - 제목 없이 URL을 사용함',
		hidden = false },
	chapter_ignored = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;장=</code>이 무시됨',
		anchor = 'chapter_ignored',
		category = '인용 오류 - 장이 무시됨',
		hidden = false },
	citation_missing_title = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code>이(가) 없거나 비었음',
		anchor = 'citation_missing_title',
		category = '인용 오류 - 제목이 없음',
		hidden = false },
	cite_web_url = {															-- this error applies to cite web and to cite podcast
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;url=</code>이 없거나 비었음',
		anchor = 'cite_web_url',
		category = '인용 오류 - URL이 없음',
		hidden = true },
	coauthors_missing_author = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;공저자=</code>는 <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;저자=</code>를 필요로 함',
		anchor = 'coauthors_missing_author',
		category = '인용 오류 - 저자 없이 공저자를 사용함',
		hidden = false },
	contributor_ignored = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;contributor=</code> ignored</code>',
		anchor = 'contributor_ignored',
		category = 'CS1 errors: contributor',
		hidden = false },
	contributor_missing_required_param = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;contributor=</code> requires <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code>',
		anchor = 'contributor_missing_required_param',
		category = 'CS1 errors: contributor',
		hidden = false },
	deprecated_params = {
		message = '더 이상 지원되지 않는 변수를 사용함',
		anchor = 'deprecated_params',
		category = '인용 오류 - 오래된 변수를 사용함',
		hidden = true },
	empty_citation = {
		message = '인용 틀이 비었음',
		anchor = 'empty_citation',
		category = '인용 오류 - 인용 틀이 비었음',
		hidden = false },
	first_missing_last = {
		message = '이름 목록에서 <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;이름$2=</code>이(가) 있지만 <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;성$2=</code>이(가) 없음',
		anchor = 'first_missing_last',
		category = '인용 오류 - 저자 또는 편집자 없음',
		hidden = false },
	format_missing_url = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code>은 <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;$2=</code>을 필요로 함',
		anchor = 'format_missing_url',
		category = '인용 오류 - URL 없이 형식을 사용함',
		hidden = true },
	implict_etal_editor = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;편집자표시=</code>가 필요함',
		anchor = 'displayeditors',
		category = '인용 오류 - 편집자표시가 필요함',
		hidden = true },
	invalid_param_val = {
		message = '다음 값 잘못됨: <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=$2</code>',
		anchor = 'invalid_param_val',
		category = '인용 오류 - 잘못된 변수 값',
		hidden = false },
	invisible_char = {
		message = '$1 character in $2 at position $3',
		anchor = 'invisible_char',
		category = '인용 오류 - 보이지 않는 문자',
		hidden = false },
	missing_name = {
		message = '이름 목록에서 <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;성$2=</code>이(가) 없음',
		anchor = 'missing_name',
		category = '인용 오류 - 저자 또는 편집자 없음',
		hidden = false },
	param_has_ext_link = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">$1</code>에 바깥 고리가 있음',
		anchor = 'param_has_ext_link',
		category = '인용 오류 - 바깥 고리',
		hidden = false },
	parameter_ignored = {
		message = '지원되지 않는 변수 무시됨: <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code>',
		anchor = 'parameter_ignored',
		category = '인용 오류 - 지원되지 않는 변수 무시됨',
		hidden = false },
	parameter_ignored_suggest = {
		message = '지원되지 않는 변수 무시됨: <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code> (추천: <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;$2=</code>)',
		anchor = 'parameter_ignored_suggest',
		category = '인용 오류 - 지원되지 않는 변수 무시됨',
		hidden = false },
	redundant_parameters = {
		message = '필요 이상의 변수가 사용됨: $1',
		anchor = 'redundant_parameters',
		category = '인용 오류 - 필요 이상의 변수가 사용됨',
		hidden = false },
	text_ignored = {
		message = '다음 글자 무시됨: &lsquo;$1&rsquo;',
		anchor = 'text_ignored',
		category = '인용 오류 - 이름 없는 변수가 사용됨',
		hidden = false },
	trans_missing_title = {
		message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;번역$1=</code>은 <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code>을 필요로 함',
		anchor = 'trans_missing_title',
		category = '인용 오류 - 번역된 제목',
		hidden = false },
	vancouver = {
		message = '밴쿠버 양식 오류',
		anchor = 'vancouver',
		category = '인용 오류 - 밴쿠버 양식',
		hidden = false },
	wikilink_in_url = {
		message = 'URL과 위키 링크가 충돌함',
		anchor = 'wikilink_in_url',
		category = '인용 오류 - URL과 위키 링크가 충돌함',
		hidden = false },

--[[--------------------------< I D _ H A N D L E R S >--------------------------------------------------------

The following contains a list of values for various defined identifiers.  For each identifier we specify a
variety of information necessary to properly render the identifier in the citation.

	parameters: a list of parameter aliases for this identifier
	link: Wikipedia article name
	label: the alternate name to apply to link
	mode: 	'manual' when there is a specific function in the code to handle the identifier;
			'external' for identifiers that link outside of Wikipedia;
	prefix: the first part of a url that will be concatenated with a second part which usually contains the identifier
	encode: true if uri should be percent encoded; otherwise false
	COinS: identifier link or keyword for use in COinS:
		for identifiers registered at info-uri.info use: info:....
		for identifiers that have COinS keywords, use the keyword: rft.isbn, rft.issn, rft.eissn
		for others make a url using the value in prefix, use the keyword: pre (not checked; any text other than 'info' or 'rft' works here)
		set to nil to leave the identifier out of the COinS
	separator: character or text between label and the identifier in the rendered citation

local id_handlers = {
	['ARXIV'] = {
		parameters = {'arxiv', 'ARXIV', 'eprint', '전자문서'}, 
		link = 'arXiv',
		label = 'arXiv',
		mode = 'manual',
		prefix = '//arxiv.org/abs/', 											-- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
		encode = false,
		COinS = 'info:arxiv',
		separator = ':',
	['ASIN'] = {
		parameters = { 'asin', 'ASIN' },	   
		link = '아마존 표준 식별 번호',
		label = 'ASIN',
		mode = 'manual',
		prefix = '//www.amazon.',
		COinS = nil,															-- no COinS for this id (needs thinking on implementation because |asin-tld=)
		separator = '&nbsp;',
		encode = false;
	['BIBCODE'] = {
		parameters = {'bibcode', 'BIBCODE'}, 
		link = '비브코드',
		label = 'Bibcode',
		mode = 'external',
		prefix = 'http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/',
		encode = false,
		COinS = 'info:bibcode',
		separator = ':',
	['DOI'] = {
		parameters = { 'doi', 'DOI' },
		link = '디지털 객체 식별자',
		label = 'doi',
		mode = 'manual',
		prefix = '//dx.doi.org/',
		COinS = 'info:doi',
		separator = ':',
		encode = true,
	['ISBN'] = {
		parameters = {'isbn', 'ISBN', 'isbn13', 'ISBN13'}, 
		link = '국제 표준 도서 번호',
		label = 'ISBN',
		mode = 'manual',
		prefix = 'Special:BookSources/',
		COinS = 'rft.isbn',
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['ISMN'] = {
		parameters = {'ismn', 'ISMN'}, 
		link = '국제 표준 음악 번호',
		label = 'ISMN',
		mode = 'manual',
		prefix = '',															-- not currently used; 
		COinS = 'nil',															-- nil because we can't use pre or rft or info:
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['ISSN'] = {
		parameters = {'issn', 'ISSN'}, 
		link = '국제 표준 일련 번호',
		label = 'ISSN',
		mode = 'manual',
		prefix = '//www.worldcat.org/issn/',
		COinS = 'rft.issn',
		encode = false,
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['JFM'] = {
		parameters = {'jfm', 'JFM'}, 
		link = '첸트랄블라트 마트',
		label = 'JFM',
		mode = 'external',
		prefix = '//zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:',
		COinS = 'pre',															-- use prefix value
		encode = true,
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['JSTOR'] = {
		parameters = {'jstor', 'JSTOR'}, 
		link = 'JSTOR',
		label = 'JSTOR',
		mode = 'external',
		prefix = '//www.jstor.org/stable/', 									-- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
		COinS = 'pre',															-- use prefix value
		encode = false,
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['LCCN'] = {
		parameters = {'LCCN', 'lccn'}, 
		link = '미국 의회도서관 제어 번호',
		label = 'LCCN',
		mode = 'manual',
		prefix = 'http://lccn.loc.gov/',
		COinS = 'info:lccn',													-- use prefix value
		encode = false,
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['MR'] = {
		parameters = {'MR', 'mr'}, 
		link = '수학 리뷰',
		label = 'MR',
		mode = 'external',
		prefix = '//www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=', 						-- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
		COinS = 'pre',															-- use prefix value
		encode = true,
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['OCLC'] = {
		parameters = {'OCLC', 'oclc'}, 
		link = '온라인 컴퓨터 도서관 센터',
		label = 'OCLC',
		mode = 'external',
		prefix = '//www.worldcat.org/oclc/',
		COinS = 'info:oclcnum',
		encode = true,
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['OL'] = {
		parameters = { 'ol', 'OL' },
		link = '오픈 라이브러리',
		label = 'OL',
		mode = 'manual',
		prefix = '//openlibrary.org/',
		COinS = nil,															-- no COinS for this id (needs thinking on implementation because /authors/books/works/OL)
		separator = '&nbsp;',
		endode = true,
	['OSTI'] = {
		parameters = {'OSTI', 'osti'}, 
		link = '미국 과학기술정보국',
		label = 'OSTI',
		mode = 'external',
		prefix = '//www.osti.gov/energycitations/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=',	-- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
		COinS = 'pre',															-- use prefix value
		encode = true,
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['PMC'] = {
		parameters = {'PMC', 'pmc'}, 
		link = '펍메드 센트럴',
		label = 'PMC',
		mode = 'manual',
		prefix = '//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC', 
		suffix = " ",
		COinS = 'pre',															-- use prefix value
		encode = true,
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['PMID'] = {
		parameters = {'PMID', 'pmid'}, 
		link = '펍메드',
		label = 'PMID',
		mode = 'manual',
		prefix = '//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/',
		COinS = 'info:pmid',
		encode = false,
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['RFC'] = {
		parameters = {'RFC', 'rfc'}, 
		link = 'RFC',
		label = 'RFC',
		mode = 'external',
		prefix = '//tools.ietf.org/html/rfc',
		COinS = 'pre',															-- use prefix value
		encode = false,
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['SSRN'] = {
		parameters = {'SSRN', 'ssrn'}, 
		link = '사회 과학 연구 네트워크',
		label = 'SSRN',
		mode = 'external',
		prefix = '//ssrn.com/abstract=', 										-- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
		COinS = 'pre',															-- use prefix value
		encode = true,
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['USENETID'] = {
		parameters = {'message-id'},
		link = '유즈넷',
		label = 'Usenet:',
		mode = 'manual',
		prefix = 'news:',
		encode = false,
		COinS = 'pre',															-- use prefix value
		separator = '&nbsp;',
	['ZBL'] = {
		parameters = {'ZBL', 'zbl'}, 
		link = '첸트랄블라트 마트',
		label = 'Zbl',
		mode = 'external',
		prefix = '//zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:',
		COinS = 'pre',															-- use prefix value
		encode = true,
		separator = '&nbsp;',

return 	{
	aliases = aliases,
	defaults = defaults,
	error_conditions = error_conditions,
	id_handlers = id_handlers,
	keywords = keywords,
	invisible_chars = invisible_chars,
	maint_cats = maint_cats,
	messages = messages,
	presentation = presentation,
	prop_cats = prop_cats,
	title_types = title_types,
	uncategorized_namespaces = uncategorized_namespaces,
	uncategorized_subpages = uncategorized_subpages,
	templates_using_volume = templates_using_volume,
	templates_using_issue = templates_using_issue,
	templates_not_using_page = templates_not_using_page,
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